S. Thomas’ College. Founded in the Eighteen Hundred & Fifty First year of Our Lord Christ. Instituted for the Glory of God

S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia is an Anglican Church School, which was founded by the first Bishop of Colombo, the Rt. Revd. James Chapman, D. D. whose vision was to build a College and Cathedral for his new Diocese. Thus on the 3rd of February 1851 the College of St. Thomas the Apostle, Colombo was opened with the objectives of training Christian Clergy and making its sons good citizens through the discipline and supervision of the Christian Faith.


- Esto Perpetua! -

S. Thomas’ College is therefore much more than just a school. It is an institution rich in tradition, characterized by more than one and a half centuries of hard work, dedication and achievement, all imbibed with the legendary Thomian Spirit. A pioneering institution which has understood and nurtured the very best in youth; where mere boys went in and great men came out to be “men and gentlemen always”, men who beat the odds with the legendary “Thomian grit” and gentlemen who upheld the motto of the school

House System

The House system came into existence as merely a change in classification of what was, at the time, unofficially known as the Dormitory system. From its inception, the college enrolled boarders and as numbers grew...


General Rules

This section would provide an insight in general college rules, policies and procedures


College Song

The lyrics of the College Song were written by Mr. Edmund de Livera, a Royalist; and music was composed by Revd. W. A. Stone, 8th Warden of S. Thomas’ College. Prof. R.B.W. Jayasekera, a former choirmaster arranged it with harmony.
