The Baptismal Fontz

Rev’d Withers secured the delicately sculptured font when he went on furlough to England in the latter part of1924. In a letter he says: “I have written (to the Wardens And Treasurers of Pershore Abbey in England) and the Vicar and trustees are sending the old Font which has stood in the old Abbey Church since the Reformation. The circumstances under which they are able to make the gift are peculiar. Quite recently a much older Pre-Reformation font, dating back to, Norman times was discovered by a garden hand and restored to its ancient use. Pershore Abbey is a spot very precious to me and on a visit to the Church last year I asked the authorities whether they would present the Font to us for our College Chapel.” It was in due course shipped out and reached here more or less intact. The cost of its transport was borne by Mr. E.O. Pereira as a gift in memory of his father Mr. F.H. Pereira – both of whom served on the staff for more than 30 years. The brass plaque installed under it on the wall reads thus: